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Saturday, July 16, 2005
They Sure Liked the Name Hugh, Didn't They? Part 2
See previous post with Hughs 1 through 4 here.
Hugh McLaughlin #5 was born about 1765 to 17701, 2, 3. According to the Augusta (Virginia) Parish Vestry Book, a six-year-old Hugh McLaughlin was apprenticed to John Herdman to become a cooper in 17744. If this is the same Hugh this would place his birthdate about 1767 or 1768. Hugh first appears in the Bath County, Virginia, area records on 8 July 1790 when he is taxed5. He appears along with Daniel, James, Hugh, and John McLaughlin. If this is his first titheable year, this would place his birthdate 1768-1769. He married Jane/Jean Wiley on 14 October 1792 in Bath County, Virginia6. He became constable in Bath about the year 18027, 8. He moved his family to Randolph County, Virginia, about 1817, and many of his children continued on into Ohio and Indiana9, 10. He may have had as many as 12 children11.
1Bureau of the Census, "Bath County, VA, Census of Population; (National Archives Microfilm Publication M252, roll 66) Third Census of the United States, 1810." Repository: National Archives, Washington, DC.
2Bureau of the Census, "Randolph County, VA, Census of Population; (National Archives Microfilm Publication M33, roll 130) Forth Census of the United States, 1820." Repository: National Archives, Washington, DC.
3Auditor of Public Accounts, "Augusta County [Virginia] Personal Property Tax Books." Repository: Library of Virginia, Richmond. Microfilm Publication: Reel 110.
4Gill Jr., Harold B. Apprentices of Virginia 1623-1800. Salt Lake City, UT: Ancestry Incorporated, 1989. Repository:
5Auditor of Public Accounts, "Augusta County [Virginia] Personal Property Tax Books." Repository: Library of Virginia, Richmond. Microfilm Publication: Reel 110.
6Methany, Constance Corley and Eliza Warwick Wise, Bath County Marriage Bonds and Ministers' Returns, 1791-1853 (Baltimore, Gateway Press for the Bath County Historical Society, 2nd Printing, 1998). Repository: Joan Kay; Huntingtown, MD.
7Auditor of Public Accounts., "Personal Property Tax Books Bath County [VA], 1791-1816." Repository: Library of Virginia, Richmond. Microfilm Publication: Reel 31.
8Bruns, Jean Randolph, Abstracts of the Wills and Inventories of Bath County, VA: 1791-1842 (Baltimore, Genealogical Publishing, 1995). Repository: Joan Kay; Huntingtown, MD.
9Auditor of Public Accounts, "Personal Propety Tax Books, Bath County, Virginia, 1817-1839." Microfilm Publication. Repository: Library of Virginia, Richmond.
10Bureau of the Census, "Randolph County, VA, Census of Population; (National Archives Microfilm Publication M33, roll 130) Forth Census of the United States, 1820." Repository: National Archives, Washington, DC.
Hugh McLaughlin #5 was born about 1765 to 17701, 2, 3. According to the Augusta (Virginia) Parish Vestry Book, a six-year-old Hugh McLaughlin was apprenticed to John Herdman to become a cooper in 17744. If this is the same Hugh this would place his birthdate about 1767 or 1768. Hugh first appears in the Bath County, Virginia, area records on 8 July 1790 when he is taxed5. He appears along with Daniel, James, Hugh, and John McLaughlin. If this is his first titheable year, this would place his birthdate 1768-1769. He married Jane/Jean Wiley on 14 October 1792 in Bath County, Virginia6. He became constable in Bath about the year 18027, 8. He moved his family to Randolph County, Virginia, about 1817, and many of his children continued on into Ohio and Indiana9, 10. He may have had as many as 12 children11.
1Bureau of the Census, "Bath County, VA, Census of Population; (National Archives Microfilm Publication M252, roll 66) Third Census of the United States, 1810." Repository: National Archives, Washington, DC.
2Bureau of the Census, "Randolph County, VA, Census of Population; (National Archives Microfilm Publication M33, roll 130) Forth Census of the United States, 1820." Repository: National Archives, Washington, DC.
3Auditor of Public Accounts, "Augusta County [Virginia] Personal Property Tax Books." Repository: Library of Virginia, Richmond. Microfilm Publication: Reel 110.
4Gill Jr., Harold B. Apprentices of Virginia 1623-1800. Salt Lake City, UT: Ancestry Incorporated, 1989. Repository:
5Auditor of Public Accounts, "Augusta County [Virginia] Personal Property Tax Books." Repository: Library of Virginia, Richmond. Microfilm Publication: Reel 110.
6Methany, Constance Corley and Eliza Warwick Wise, Bath County Marriage Bonds and Ministers' Returns, 1791-1853 (Baltimore, Gateway Press for the Bath County Historical Society, 2nd Printing, 1998). Repository: Joan Kay; Huntingtown, MD.
7Auditor of Public Accounts., "Personal Property Tax Books Bath County [VA], 1791-1816." Repository: Library of Virginia, Richmond. Microfilm Publication: Reel 31.
8Bruns, Jean Randolph, Abstracts of the Wills and Inventories of Bath County, VA: 1791-1842 (Baltimore, Genealogical Publishing, 1995). Repository: Joan Kay; Huntingtown, MD.
9Auditor of Public Accounts, "Personal Propety Tax Books, Bath County, Virginia, 1817-1839." Microfilm Publication. Repository: Library of Virginia, Richmond.
10Bureau of the Census, "Randolph County, VA, Census of Population; (National Archives Microfilm Publication M33, roll 130) Forth Census of the United States, 1820." Repository: National Archives, Washington, DC.